Friday, September 17, 2010

The Journey to the end.........of the summer?

I can't believe that Summer is already over and fall is here....well technicall Autumn isnt here until a week from yesterday but who's counting counting times I have to dress warmer.

Aidan starts swimming lessons on the 25th and he starts PRE-pre-school on the 21st. Ive been trying to get him into classes that not only help him grow but help me teach him to grow. PLUS im a mom who lives in a neighborhood that doesnt really have any younger moms/kids SO im trying to meet some in my area.

With END of summer comes christmas shopping- only this year there won't be much! My family has decided to take a family vacation over Christmas this year....which means diet season.....what??? Diet Season??? I thought that was late winter/early spring......guess not. PLUS to top it all off my brother has decided that Spring is a great time to get I need to fit into a wedding dress.....EEK!!!! SO every Tuesday after my weight watchers meetings....yes i have decided i need more help than i can give myself I will be updating my ticker.....I set my goal at 100lbs....although its a very HIGH goal- someone has to start somewhere so thats where I start.

So Come back every tuesday to see how I do :)


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maybe I should update this thing......

I can't believe my baby is a year old- SO much has happened in the last year....great things- not so great things.....but im so greatful to have my baby boy! He is my joy and the reason I wake up every every morning. JUST kidding- Aidan is a great sleeper and 90% of the time he sleeps till almost 7.
Things Aidan is doing lately:
~He says Uh-oh to almost everything he does
~He does the shoulder shrug when we say all done and he's confused
~On his birthday he stood all by himself for 45 seconds
~He claps
~Walks along furniture but has not let go to try it himself
~LOVE trucks!
~LOVES food; he would and could eat all day if we let him
~Throws up all the time; we cant figure out what the problem is yet but we are working on it my poor little guy!
~LOVES when we call him buddy!
~HATES to cuddle- he is not my little cuddle bug anymore
~Says mama....dada but doesnt know what it means yet
~Doesnt like birthday cake-I was so disapointed by this one
~Spends weekends with his grandparents like i did as a child and he LOVES his papa!
~He is the biggest ham ever! he loves having his picture taken
~He is super quick when he wants something he GRABS and won't let go
~Gives you "the face" when you tell him no....he wrinkles up his nose and huffs at you!
~"O's" (cheerios) are his favorite but i have yet to hear him say O like i try to get him to.....
~Loves balloons- he thinks they are hillarious
~has 6 teeth- 4 on top 2 on the bottom.....we keep thinking he is getting more but then they never pop through.
Im sure there are TONS of things i could add but for now will stop with that. I guess I should really update more but life is crazy busy when your a working mama!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Welcome to the world my bebe boy!

This is WAY long overdue- but here he is! Mr Aidan Ekah.

What a JOY he has been, we are so lucky to have him in our lives!
Aidan was born via emergancy c-section on August 7th at 4:25 pm. He weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 20.5 inches long.
His 2 month check up- i did the before shots picture

His 2 Month Birthday Pictures

His very first ER Visit

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

9 weeks to 8 months...thats not THAT long is it!?!?

Really has it been THAT long since i blogged? My whole plan was to blog my pregnancy so I could look back and say....AWWWWW or I remember that- but some how time just flew by and here I am far too many months later and I havent blogged anything. Shame on myself!

SO i thought I would post the beginning stages of the Nursery- it has changed "some" since this picture- Aidan's name is now above the Crib but other than that its not too different.
There have been many "fights" about what name i have decided to name my child. Inang was all on board with the name until his family got involved. Because we are not married (his choice not mine) i said i wanted the birth certificate to read "Aidan Christopher Grace Ekah" well then his family found out and started a HUGE fight between us saying that i was being in control and he needs to put his foot down and tell me that HE is naming his son and he has 100% say and that he needs to have a Nigerian name. Well im sorry im his mother, his WHITE American Mother, im carrying him for 9 (hopefully) months and im going to be his provider im going to name my son and yes i value Inangs opinion but this is something that WE have to decide NOT his family. Yes the name Aidan is Irish- im not Irish and neither is Inang but i like the name and i think it fits him well. "little fire" is what it stands for - and he sure does give me heart burn so there for fitting right?!? :) Well his family HATES the name so now Inang hates the name and so the fight continues. Technically speaking because we aren't married i could name my son John Smith if i wanted to and that would be his legal name but im trying to compromise. So as of right now this little guys name will be "Aidan Christopher Ekah" if Inang continues to cause me stress over this then im putting the Grace in there and he can sign the certificate or he can give up his rights as his father. I dont need the added stress and i dont need the extra drama his family is trying to provide. SO with that being said- lets continue on with the good (and bad) of the pregnancy :)
OH and I also decided to post a "7" month picture of myself since thats really the only picture I have on this computer, and here is a bit about what is going on in Pregnancy world.
So yesterday was an interesting day- to say the least. I could have actually gone with out it at all. It started out normal- my kick in the gut to let me know its time to get up because he doesnt want to be sleeping anymore :) Got ready for work, headed to work sat down in my cube and started the day off. After about 10 min of sitting in my cube I got tunnel vision, which i didnt think much of because the lighting in here always gives me a headache but i figured man- massive headache coming on this day is going to suck! WRONG- (well the day did end up sucking...but we will get to that) After the tunnel vision started I started to see flashing spots like fireworks in my eyeballs and when i closed my eyes and opened them and looked around the flashing spots had little tails of black stuff following them every where i looked. Kinda scary if you ask me. But it went away so again i thought oh headache coming on- but nothing no headache NOT that im complaining about that one. So I go about my day (all 5 min of it) and it happens again so this time i get a little freaked out since its not normal to see swimming flashing lights in front of you. SO i called my clinic. I said to the lady maybe its just because its hot!?! She just kept saying you say your seeing floating objects- like im a retard just prank calling her. SO she says she will talk to my doctor and get back to me. Well i hear nothing so i think ok maybe i WAS just over reacting and nothing is wrong. WRONG i get a call back in the afternoon- almost 4 hours later saying that the doctor needs to see me RIGHT away. I said like NOW and the lady says no like 3:50- mind you its only 2 when she calls me but to doctors thats right away i guess! So i get to the clinic and they have me lay down for 45 min after they check my blood pressure 149/89, not TOO high but high enough to cause panic to some I guess. After 45 min they check it again STILL 149/89 and this is after laying DOWN not sitting not standing laying down for 45 min. so she has me pee in a cup- oh joy as if i dont do that enough all ready! Every 2 weeks i have to pee in a cup and carry it around in my purse until my appt that day- YES :) I love being pregnant. So after my pee comes back with traces of protein in it she starts to get a little "worried" look on her face. BUT she says that i have stumped her and she really has no idea what is going on since my WHOLE pregnancy has been normal. Ive only gained 6lbs in the 8 months ive been pregnant and my glucose came back great and all my blood tests have been great so why NOW is something going wrong. SO she says that i have the PRE- stages of Preeclampsia - the PRE stages of something that is PRE itself! I have no idea what this is so im like ok ive heard of it but please explain. Basically she said preeclampsia is something that happens after the 20th week for SOME people but normally people who have had high blood pressure the whole time, and have diabetes and some other things. well ive been perfectly normal the whole time so she doesnt know WHY now something like this would be happening. But she said preeclampsia can cause liver and kidney damage and can turn into eclampsia which can be deadly for both ME and the baby. So she takes some blood, schedules me for another ultrasound to see if Aidan is big enough to be born if it comes down to it and sends me home. I have a colposcopy tomorrow so she said that we will talk again then and see what is going on. IM PRAYING i dont have to go on bed rest or any restrictions because there is a LOT do be done before Aidan comes and i just can't deal with more stress! Im trying to stay calm and pray my way through this one but sounds like little Aidan is going to be born sooner than we planned if things don't change. So thats whats going on in pregnancy world.
In other news, i have my 3rd and final shower this coming saturday- how excited am I :) Im hoping to see some LONG time family friends that i dont get to see often enough and just enjoy the day with out getting stressed- which means I hope my aunt Teri isnt there because if she is im going to end up in a cat fight the whole day :) lol Just kidding but i would enjoy it 1000 times more if she would just stay home for the day :)
I'll try and update again soon!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

9 weeks and counting

Holy Moly i cant believe there is an itty bitty baby in my belly.....ONE FULL INCH OF BABY to be exact... :) its so exciting, yet so scary at the same time.
Lets start this story from the beginning....
I work in a big office with a bunch of cubicles, SO when one person gets sick-everyone gets sick- so i thought i was coming down with "the crud" so i went to the doctor knowing i have yet to get the flu shot, i don't want to chance it. SO she runs some blood tests to make sure I'm good to go and comes back and says-"your pregnant"-i guess a this point i turn white....and tell her she is in the wrong room :) SHE of course was not and I of course WAS indeed pregnant. How-well we all know HOW you get pregnant but I was on the pill. Still taking it at the time of the appointment. SO she tells me that the pill that i am on -seasonal- brings the risk of having a baby to 1 out of 6. Seems kind of high if you ask me, and they don't tell you that when you start it. It says 99.9% effective, like any other birth control you take or use.
Here i am, that .1%...GREAT :)
There have been MANY ups and downs to this pregnancy already. My Hcg Levels have not doubled every 48 hours like they want them to, but they do still continue to rise. Ive had a couple ultrasounds, one more this Friday :) I love getting to see the Bebe. its scary when you've never been pregnant before and you have no idea why they do the tests or what the tests even are. I had a little run in with my clinic last Monday. I got a phone call from the office manager....YES OFFICE MANAGER. she calls and ask that i call her back so I do. She asks how I'm doing, all the normal small talk before the conversation goes to this-
OM(office manager)-Well i just wanted to call and tell you there is no baby
Me-Um excuse me?
OM-We need to schedule an ultrasound within the next couple of days
Me-I just had one on Friday, AFTER my blood tests and I saw the baby AND the heart beat
OM- You did?
OM-oh i will have to call you back- and she hangs up on me.
I'm sorry, you don't tell someone that there IS no baby and then hang up on them. Is this NOT a conversation you have with your doctor in the doctors office??
So i called and bitched about her to another person and i have yet to hear from her since :) she is not a nice lady and she is TOTALLY mono-tone so you hate to talk to her because she has no emotion!
SO other than that fun part, oh and the fact that I'm covered in spots where they have poked me for blood everything has been going smooth. The morning sickness has been OK, not great but livable. Its mostly ALL day sickness where i feel like I'm going to hurl all over the place but i never do. its great ;) Ive already started to decorate the nursery :) its so much fun!! I'm glad we got our house when we did because little did we know we were already pregnant- SCARY
OK that's all for now :) i just figured i better make SOME sort of post!

Friday, April 11, 2008

really...(X-posted with myspace)

So I learned something new today, and honeslty I guess I could have gone with out knowing it...

I took on a new position a year ago, as most of you already knew...if not now you need for congrats now its too late :)

Anyways, here I thought I was doing this great job, Yes we all make mistakes here and there, forget to cross the "t" dot the "i" simple stuff right WE ALL DO IT! Yes I dont get along with one of my co-workers the best but we get by she stays to herself I stay to mine. One of the main reasons she hates me is because...well really I dont know what I did to her but she just does. We are in different departments so no big deal I do my own thing. But other than her I get along with EVERYONE...or so I thought.

It came to my attention today that one of my co-workers...who I thought was my friend, I went wedding dress shopping with her for her wedding, we lived in the same apartment building for 2 years, we ALMOST lived together, I sit right next to her, her husband is sick with cancer and I made them some meals to freeze so they could spend more time together and not worry about cooking big meals...well it turns out that she complains about my work ALL THE TIME. Im sorry that hurts! If im doing something SO wrong that you have to complain about me all the time then why don't you say something to me. I've been working here for 7 years, are you telling me that after 7 years your going to and I quote the owner of the company "give the owner an earfull about my performance"and not say something to me? That really really hurt, it really makes me wonder about what everyone else here thinks about me being in this new position. Im sorry I didn't ask for this position I was asked to take it. I didnt apply, I didnt interview, i was asked by the higher ups to take it because I knew the position from previous times.

I can't not even begin to describe the actual hurt I feel right now. I try every day to do my job in a way that I think will be easy for everyone to understand, I paper trail my work so that things can be easily traced I do what I can to make my job easy and to find out that im doing it all wrong...yet no one explains to me HOW im doing it wrong. 7 years...and im not told how im doing something wrong? Is it how I look, how I talk, seriouly people how can someone hate me SO much to give someone an earfull on what im doing wrong but not say anything to me? Someone that I thought...was my friend?!

Friday, February 22, 2008

I rented out my first townhouse!!!

So a few weeks ago i took on the task of renting out my aunts townhouse in Buffalo, why I have no idea I just thought I had a little too much time on my hands I guess...what with working 2 jobs 7 days a week i must have felt bored...OR crazy one of the two!! So I started with the basics, I put the house on,, the pages I look at the most. I had so many people respond it was CRAZY!!! After I had a few people dwindled down I set a date to show people the townhouse. My aunt currently has a lady living there who stopped paying rent two months ago and is a pack-rat...I kid you not I personally helped her pack a bunch of her crap...with out her knowing of course because there was NO way this place was getting good ratings the way it looked!!! So on the day of the showing my aunt, her hubby and myself made our way to Buffalo to show the house to this guy and his parents (his mom responded to the ad) They LOVED it!!! The next day they wanted to come back and show it to his wife...who LOVED IT!!!! they have a little boy and another bebe on the way. PERFECT for them. Well we got an e-mail last night saying that they would take the house and want to know when they can sign the paperwork and get things settled. We set a move in date on April 1st...even thought they will be moving the week before hand since they have to get out of there apartment and what not but it works out great since Easter falls in there (its march 23rd this year...weird) that gives us time to clean and make it all pretty for the new renters!!! I finally did something that made a difference :) I helped out someone who knew nothing about the internet or how to rent out her place and i made it work!!! She now will have someone that WILL pay rent and someone who potentially will be purchasing the house in a year! GREAT!!! for the hard part...They want to know how much they owe me. Well I took this on thinking I was just doing them a favor, well in the long run it actually cost me a lot of time(placing ads, writing up agreements, and other documents)...not so much money i mean 3 trips to buffalo is gas and 1 add i had to pay for but it wasnt that much...but what do I tell them...NO CLUE...I dont want to sound mean by saying how much i feel im worth, and I dont want to make them mad either...SO what do I do....Something to ponder over the weekend...PLUS i think this was so much fun...who wants to put me to work next month!??!? Anyone wanting to move and rent out there place?!?!?!?!? Im free :) lol